Monday, October 20, 2008

Happy Face!

I have been teaching Abigale about different emotions by showing her how to make happy faces, sad faces, mad faces, etc. Well, now whenever I get the camera out she thinks she needs to make a happy face and as you can tell, she has an interesting take on being happy! I love this girl!

She is eating cookie dough in this picture, so of course she is happy.

This little fox was left in the yard when we moved in and is now Abigale's best friend. She carries him everywhere and as many times as Jonathan tries to hide him, she finds him and treats him like her little baby.


Nicole said...

OH she is TOO cute!!! These pictures made me laugh. What a good idea to teach emotions...why have I not thought of that yet?!
Hope all is going great. we can't wait to see pics of your place!
Love ya

Loni said...

So cute - she is such a little poser. It's funny how they get stuck on one toy, or object. Hope you're feeling well. We want to see prego pictures of you!

Callie said...

She is too funny. At least she's letting you take the pictures and not running away! :)