So this is going to be a massive post but I want to share all the fun things we have done all month before Christmas Day (in two days)! The girls are with Grandma and Grandpa right now until we join them in the morning- the presents are wrapped, house is clean, and Ryan is sleeping so I am taking advantage of this time.
As soon as we got home from Thanksgiving we got the Chirstmas decorations out. Our tree is so small because we bought it for our basement apartment in Provo our first Christmas together and it is too sentimental to get a new one!Love this guy!
And this silly girl!
Lydia kept shouting "This is the best Christmas ever!" I love her magical age!
So over Thanksgiving my mom and I made this advent calendar. (which Abigale conveniently took a picture of the top half) Everyday they pick an ornament out of the pocket and there is an activity in each pocket as well. It was a lot of fun and a good way to make sure we got all the fun activities in before Christmas.
What a month! It was so much fun and a little crazy! Merry Christmas everyone!