Yesterday Jonathan finished his last final at BYU! We are so proud of him and how hard he has worked these last 3 1/2 years to graduate with a degree in Biology. We got married right when he began his education at BYU so it has been quite the long haul but Jonathan did it and we are so happy! Many are probably wondering what we are going to do with a biology degree and that is a good question. We were planning on going to dental school but we still have not heard from 11 schools and this late in the game, that is not a good sign so we know the Lord has other plans for us. Yesterday Jonathan got offered another job at the MTC which is a big promotion and he will be able to work full time so we decided to take that job for now. Jonathan has been applying for jobs and has a few interviews lined up in the next few months so we will continue to look for the right job but in the mean time we are happy to stay here in Provo and save some money. Thank you to everyone for your support and congratulations again to Jonathan! You are amazing and I love you soo much!
Friday, December 21, 2007
Congratulations Jonathan!
Posted by Carley and Jonathan at 7:38 AM 4 comments
Thursday, December 13, 2007
The hotel had a giant gingerbread house (this picture is only half of it) and every part of it was made out of food. Of course, Abigale was obsessed with it and every time we walked past it we would have to drag her away from it:
The hotel had a dining area on our floor and they served delicious food all day long and so of course we made frequent trips. One time we were all just sitting down with our food and before we started eating, Abigale folded her arms and bowed her head. At first I didnt know what she was doing and then I realized she was praying! I was so proud and had to capture it on the camera. This is after she finished her "prayer". So serious.
Sorry I cant get this picture to turn but this is at the San Diego Zoo!
Abigale loved all the animals kept trying to touch them through the glass. I was impressed with how brave she was.This monkey walked over to the window and Abigale walked right up to him and tried to pet him. She even leaned over and kissed the glass.
She loved this hippo statue. She walked up to it and just sat there and started laughing. Silly girl!
On the Skytram at the zoo. It was freezing but an overall awesome trip!
Posted by Carley and Jonathan at 8:00 PM 3 comments
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Thanksgiving and a little Halloween!
I know it has been a very long time since I updated, but we are still alive and doing well. Jonathan is getting ready to graduate in a few weeks, I still love staying at home, and Abigale suddenly became a toddler almost overnight. She is now walking/running everywhere and finally started signing. She knows about 10 signs and it has been so amazing! Now that she knows she can communicate with us, it has kept everyone's frustration level way down. I highly recommend it to everyone!
Posted by Carley and Jonathan at 8:50 AM 5 comments