I can't believe my baby is a year old! Time continues to fly so fast, and sometimes too fast as she is turning into such a little girl! This last year has been an adventure to say the least, but I have truly loved every minute of it. Abigale has brought so much love, happiness, and laughter into our life and we love her so much. I made a slide show for her birthday party but I think the file is too big to post, so instead I chose my favorite pictures of Abigale from the first year of her life. Happy Birthday Abigale!
Warning: There are a lot of pictures below, but it was too hard to narrow it any more! She is too cute! Enjoy!
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Happy Birthday Abigale!
Posted by Carley and Jonathan at 10:36 PM 6 comments
Abigale's Birthday Party
We had a birthday party for Abigale on Sunday night with a few friends and family and we had a lot of fun. Unfortunately, Abigale only got one nap that day because of our church schedule so I was a little nervous but I think she had a great time. She was not quite sure about what to do with the cake we put in front of her but she loved all of the presents. Thank you everyone who came to the party and for making it such a great day.
A few of the many presents. Thanks everyone!
Abigale finally enjoying the cake after a little help.
Posted by Carley and Jonathan at 9:52 PM 0 comments
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Abigale and I had a great time today with some friends at Pumpkinland in Orem. It was a beautiful day and a really cute place; it had a mini corn maze, playground, animals, spook alley,etc. Although Abigale was a little young for most of the activities, we had a great time.
Abigale and Weston
Abigale, Tanner Robertson, Braedon Robertson, and Weston Drysdale
Posted by Carley and Jonathan at 9:47 PM 3 comments
Still Not Walking
So Abigale is going to be a year old next week, cray I know, and she is still not walking. She has been standing for the last month and she has taken a few steps but now everytime I try and get her to walk to me she hurries and sits down. At first, I was kind of happy that she was taking her time to walk but now I am definitely ready for her to be a little more independent. I took a few pictures of her standing/dancing and the last one is her serious face.
Posted by Carley and Jonathan at 9:39 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Happy Birthday Jonathan!
Happy 25th Birthday Jonathan! It is a little difficult to celebrate a birthday when you work and go to school all day, but we did the best we could. I got up early and make breakfast and decorated the kitchen before he had to be on campus at 8:00. We had a delicious cake at Jonathan's parents house over the weekend so I asked Jonathan what he wanted instead and said he had been craving his mom's orange rolls, so I called and got the recipe and spent all day making them. When Jonathan came home for lunch, we picked up a pizza and ate the orange rolls (which were delicious) and opened presents. Unfortunately, Jonathan had to work all night but my mom will be in town tomorrow so we will go on a date tomorrow night and continue the celebration.
Happy Birthday Jonathan! I love you so much and feel so lucky to be your wife. I hope you had a wonderful day!
Posted by Carley and Jonathan at 8:53 PM 1 comments
Go Cougars!
This post is a little late but last week Jonathan's parents gave us their BYU football tickets. We decided to bundle up and risk getting rained on so that Abigale could attend her first game. Although I dont think she really saw the game (we were pretty far up) she did enjoy watching the interesting fans sitting around us. We only stayed for half the game and left when the rain started but we still had a lot of fun. Go Cougars!
Walking to the big game.
This was Abigale's face for the first 20 minutes we were there. I dont think she shares the same love of football that her mom does!
She did enjoy sitting on our laps the whole game.
Walking home in the rain.
P.S. Sorry the layout is so weird. My computer is having major problems.
Posted by Carley and Jonathan at 8:18 PM 0 comments