While we were in Driggs with my family, they kept giving us a hard time and calling Ryan a girl because of his long hair. I knew that we needed to cut it but I am used to having girls where you can let their hair grow long and not worry about it. I didnt know how to cut a 4 month olds hair but we finally decided it was time and Jonathan broke out his hair cutting skills (he has cut his own hair since before we were married).
We put him in the Bumbo chair and made him a cover out of a sack but soon took it off when he kept putting it in his mouth. You can kind of see how long it is in the back and on the sides.
Look at that mullet! I cant believe we let it get so long!
We looks too little to be getting a haircut!
Looking good.
I decided I didnt want to keep the hair that we cut since I am not a scrapbooker and would eventually just throw it away so I took a picture instead!
I think he likes it!
and his sisters love him!
Laughing . . .
to serious!
Our little guy is now 4 months old! He is still a sweetheart and we love him to pieces. He can now roll over from his belly to his back and can sit up for a few seconds. He is a strong little guy and loves to stand up. If you lie him on his back he will crunch his stomach and try and sit up. He is still big weighing in at over 17 lbs but last month he was in the 98th percentile and this month only the 95th! Ha! He is a pretty good sleeper. He will go for a week sleeping 10-12 hours straight and then have a few nights in a row of getting up once or twice. (It usually has to with gas and his belly hurting!) He loves to grab things and put them straight to his mouth. It is so fun to watch how fascinated he is when he grabs something and gets his hands to do what he wants! He is such a happy boy and will smile at everyone. He especially gets excited when he thinks you are going to pick him up! I wish I could just hold him all day but when you have three children you do the best you can! Love you little man!
I cannot believe all that hair! He is young to be having his first haircut. So darling too!
His hair quantity is unreal. Sign of healthiness?
He is a little boy again! Great job Jonathan. You need to cut Max's next time we see you guys!
I could just die at all of his hair. None of my kids have had that much hair until at least after 1. I don't think gunner got a haircut at all until he was at least 2- so funny. Good work.
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